Ask yourself…
Am I optimizing my capabilities?
Do I know what is most important to me today?
Am I following the right path for my desired life and career?
Asking the right questions
She is very skilled at making you feel safe to step back and think about all the questions you’ve never given yourself permission to ask. Personally/professionally, that has been life changing.
Thinking bigger
With Sandi there’s a lot of give/take -- finding the answer rather than knowing the answer. She challenges me to think about what we’re doing at a macro level -- where I want to be next year and five years from now. That’s very helpful.
Taking Action
The strengths Sandi brings to the table are her openness, directness, being able to rein a conversation in and key in on things that matter to make sure you walk away from the conversation with actionable items, and following up on those items the next time you talk. It makes the conversations real. She’s very direct and open which forces you to take a step back and say, “Have I thought about all these things and if I tweak them, can I go one step further than I’ve been going?”

Do you lead with strong vision, effective actions and powerful results? You want to understand your leadership style, move from your strengths and know how to manage the challenges... You are making a transition into a new job or leadership role...you want to optimize your performance...
SLS Coaching & Consulting works with executives and managers from non-profit, for profit and government sectors to:
Hone leadership style and mindset
Develop effective communication with teams, management and clients
Establish strategy and vision
Advance career opportunities
Resolve communication issues with leaders, peers and reports
Reduce stress and implement life balance
Develop political savvy
Coaching is a thinking partnership between coach and client. The coach helps the client set goals around what they want to improve in their personal and professional life. To help the client define their goals the coach engages the client in deep inquiry. Additionally, assessments help with defining the “go to” objectives. Once the desired change is identified the coach uses inquiry that focuses the client on uncovering their motivation to move to the goal, trouble-shoots barriers to the goal, develops actionable steps to the goal and supports the client through the learning process that evolves. Coaching is a dynamic process that gives confidence and life satisfaction to the client.
Assessments: Assessments bring greater awareness to the client around their style, their team style and the organization culture. See the Assessments tab here.
Best practice: Leadership curriculum, books, articles and research supplement the coaching and generate forward-thinking conversation.
Coaching Examples
Communication issues
An employee at a media company was struggling with communication issues related to her fast-paced need for results style in a risk-averse organizational culture. We conducted style assessments that helped her see not only her style, but also the style of the individuals around her. We helped the leader build strategies balancing her result- focus with attention to the team. We then worked with her staff and facilitated a half-day session that opened the door to communicating in new ways for the team as a whole.
Create higher performance in the face of burn-out
Executives face burn-out conditions in today’s complex organizations and we know executives under stress don’t perform up to their potential. Operating from fear or from a need for speed is less effective. One executive we coached in a professional services firm found that by applying more rigorous scheduling around strategic thinking time, email management and staff face-time he reduced his stress and became more effective. Another executive wanted more time with her family, but was convinced it would mean a less influential position in her firm. With coaching she successfully negotiated flex-time and has been promoted to the top of her organization for excellent sales performance.